1.   Analysts worry that poor infrastructure, especially in rural areas, will derail attempts to fight poverty.

2.   Growing opposition to military action helped derail attempts last week to win approval of a resolution that would have backed the use of force against Iraq.

3.   The elder Gonzalez derailed attempts by family members in Miami to seek political asylum for the boy by asking the INS officials to withdraw those applications.

4.   The elder Gonzalez has derailed attempts by family members in Miami to seek political asylum for the boy by demanding that those applications be withdrawn.

5.   The opposition of numerous private college presidents has derailed an attempt to overhaul the system for accrediting colleges and universities to put more emphasis on what students learn.

6.   Worker protests helped derail an attempt by Krupp in March last year to take over its larger rival.

7.   Fiscal slippage has typically derailed previous attempts at economic stabilisation.

8.   Since then, Kuwait and other Gulf states have refused to sit down with Iraq, derailing attempts to hold more regular summits.

9.   Since the arrival of the NATO-led peacekeepers revenge killings and violence targeting Serbs by ethnic Albanians have derailed international attempts to establish normalcy.

10.   The question has derailed previous attempts at Israeli-Arab peacemaking.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
derail 0.28%
derail + n. >>共 214
effort 9.07%
talk 5.62%
plan 5.29%
train 4.75%
career 3.89%
negotiation 2.92%
bill 2.70%
process 2.38%
reform 2.16%
deal 2.05%
attempt 1.30%
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