1.   The business lobby has been squealing for everything from accelerated depreciation allowances to a Business Development Board to grant cheap loans.

2.   Business, for example, is pushing hard for accelerated depreciation allowances for plants and equipment.

3.   There are a wide range of corporate deductions, involving special depreciation allowances and upfront deductions for capital expenditures, which are also ripe for cutting back.

4.   Yet the Finance Ministry has said any reduction in corporate income tax revenue must be offset by the elimination of tax deductions, such as depreciation allowances.

5.   Sir Donald has also doubled the annual depreciation allowance for commercial buildings and widened the scope for tax deduction for expenditure on research and development.

n. + allowance >>共 130
tax 10.83%
capital 6.94%
travel 5.28%
child 4.17%
attendance 3.61%
meal 3.61%
care 2.50%
expense 2.50%
pollution 1.94%
mileage 1.67%
depreciation 1.39%
depreciation + n. >>共 39
charge 19.33%
cost 17.65%
expense 8.40%
schedule 8.40%
allowance 4.20%
accounting 3.36%
deduction 3.36%
rate 3.36%
rule 2.52%
account 1.68%
每页显示:    共 5