1.   Back then, judges often simply read the deposition testimony and ruled, with few witnesses appearing before the court in person.

2.   Boies presented Maritz with his deposition testimony taken last October.

3.   During deposition testimony, Simpson never seriously contradicted himself or his lawyers from the criminal trial.

4.   It is clear from the deposition testimony that Strong did eventually go to Carneal while some other students ran away.

5.   Ms. Lewinsky previously denied that she and the President ever discussed the content of any deposition testimony in that conversation.

6.   Q. Have you read any part of the deposition testimony given by Kathleen Willey in this case?

7.   Separately, the Justice Department plans to introduce further deposition testimony.

8.   The government cites deposition testimony from PC makers saying they would prefer to have more choice.

9.   The myth is that the President adopted his entire Jones deposition testimony in the grand jury.

10.   The President was not asked to and did not broadly restate or reaffirm his Jones deposition testimony.

n. + testimony >>共 101
court 17.71%
witness 16.46%
trial 13.06%
eyewitness 6.44%
defense 3.94%
police 3.40%
week 2.86%
deposition 2.68%
courtroom 2.50%
prosecution 2.33%
deposition + n. >>共 30
testimony 25.86%
process 8.62%
request 6.90%
transcript 5.17%
date 3.45%
hearing 3.45%
scene 3.45%
statement 3.45%
videotape 3.45%
confession 1.72%
每页显示:    共 15