1.   Deposit payment Sometimes, estate agents collect a token deposit from an intending purchaser as a sign of good faith.

2.   Banks, with their check and electronic payment networks, help them receive, transfer and deposit payments as quickly as possible.

3.   Interest payments are directly deposited.

4.   Others will get their payments directly deposited in bank accounts.

5.   Payments are deposited into this account when the IRS is unable to match them with a tax return, usually because it is late.

6.   Exporters will be allowed to deposit the payments in foreign currency accounts at local banks only on a case-by-case basis, Akapol said.

7.   In Rio Grande de Sul, the state Supreme Court agreed to let Gov. Olivio Dutra deposit debt payments in escrow.

v. + payment >>共 549
make 19.61%
receive 7.41%
accept 3.05%
demand 2.57%
delay 1.91%
reduce 1.78%
increase 1.59%
include 1.50%
suspend 1.48%
meet 1.48%
deposit 0.12%
deposit + n. >>共 264
money 22.59%
fund 5.61%
check 4.81%
saving 1.74%
amount 1.60%
egg 1.60%
paycheck 1.60%
cash 1.34%
refund 1.20%
million 0.94%
payment 0.94%
每页显示:    共 7