1.   An amusing trifle, it depicts the canine companion of the deposed Romanian dictator being questioned by a suddenly liberated citizen.

2.   Deposed dictators and their families sometimes do elude justice and end their lives in comfortable exile.

3.   Haiti is a poor country and the deposed young dictator got away with only a few hundred million dollars in cash and bonds.

4.   He was the foreign correspondant who revealed to the world that the wife of the deposed Philippine dictator was an obsessive collector of thousands of pairs of shoes.

5.   Inside was also the suitcase-sized safety deposit box of Pedro Batista, the brother of the deposed dictator, Fulgencio Batista.

6.   John Turturro plays my partner and Alan Cumming the deposed dictator General Batista.

7.   Rebels began to consolidate their hold on Zaire as deposed dictator Mobutu Sese Seko prepared for a life in exile.

8.   A former Zairian government official once loyal to exiled President Mobutu Sese Seko says the deposed dictator is near death with only months to live.

9.   A veteran opponent of deposed Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko announced Monday she was accepting a ministerial post in the new government, despite opposition by her party leader.

10.   Crowds booed President Laurent Kabila at a public demonstration last week and hundreds of students Monday filled a downtown square and chanted praise of deposed dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.

a. + dictator >>共 260
former 30.99%
late 8.97%
military 6.93%
chilean 5.13%
communist 3.51%
longtime 3.13%
soviet 2.66%
iraqi 1.85%
fascist 1.85%
zairian 1.85%
deposed 1.80%
deposed + n. >>共 67
president 23.81%
leader 9.29%
dictator 9.05%
premier 6.19%
government 5.48%
emir 5.00%
king 4.52%
co-prime 3.81%
coach 3.81%
co-premier 3.57%
每页显示:    共 38