1.   A military junta deposed the dictator after he had bankrupted the country.

2.   Kabila was able to depose longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko with the help of troops provided by the now Tutsi-dominated government of Rwanda.

3.   Later in the week, she will visit the newly named Democratic Republic of Congo, where rebels deposed dictator Mobuto Sese Seko.

4.   They have made and unmade governments, installed and deposed dictators, and frequently called in the army to repress strikes by banana workers.

5.   Kabila seized power last May after his seven-month rebellion deposed longtime dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko.

6.   Six years ago, U.S. forces from bases in Panama deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega.

v. + dictator >>共 92
oust 17.29%
topple 9.35%
overthrow 7.48%
support 3.27%
depose 2.80%
include 2.80%
back 2.34%
praise 2.34%
take 1.87%
try 1.87%
depose + n. >>共 36
witness 23.28%
co-premier 9.48%
prince 9.48%
president 7.76%
dictator 5.17%
father 4.31%
cousin 3.45%
government 2.59%
minister 2.59%
premier 2.59%
每页显示:    共 6