1.   The Clinton administration, reacting to appeals by governments hard hit by Hurricane Mitch, decided Friday to immediately stop deporting foreign nationals to the Central American nations.

2.   The policy does not prevent the government from deporting foreign nationals for reasons of national security or public safety.

3.   The foreign nationals would be deported and the Turks returned to their places of origin, Anatolia said.

4.   The Mexican nationals were deported and the Guatemalans were sent to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service detention center at Bayview for probable deportation, authorities said.

5.   In requesting custody, Washington argued that Bosnia has the right to deport foreign nationals whom it deems undesirable.

6.   A Chinese national was deported Wednesday for allegedly leading a ring that arranged for Asians to enter Argentina illegaly, police said.

7.   A Sudanese national was deported Tuesday following suspicion that he could create trouble during the visit, immigration oficials said.

8.   Eight Indian nationals have been deported for illegally entering the Philippines through its southernmost islands, police said Saturday.

v. + national >>共 177
evacuate 9.97%
arrest 7.87%
extradite 4.55%
include 3.50%
kill 3.15%
warn 2.80%
win 2.45%
kidnap 1.92%
hold 1.75%
advise 1.57%
deport 1.40%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
national 1.35%
每页显示:    共 8