1.   The law makes it easier to find and deport illegal aliens.

2.   -- Make it easier to deport aliens convicted of a crime.

3.   Ezell said while he was with the INS, he initiated the existing program of cooperation and referrals between local law enforcement and INS agents in deporting criminal aliens.

4.   Illegal aliens could be deported without judicial review and on secret evidence.

5.   It also proposed a change in immigration laws to make it easier to deport aliens linked to terrorism, as well as the requirement that explosives contain taggants.

6.   It is a law enforcement agency charged with catching and deporting illegal aliens.

7.   It would allow the government to deport aliens based solely on so-called secret evidence which only the government possesses.

8.   New York is within its rights to deport illegal aliens in its prison system, as Gov. George Pataki has announced it would do.

9.   On a more serious one, it does not make a concerted effort to find and deport most aliens with criminal records.

10.   Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., urged the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration to adopt his bill adding torture as a reason for excluding or deporting aliens.

v. + alien >>共 159
deport 8.62%
smuggle 7.47%
hire 6.61%
transport 4.31%
bar 2.87%
detain 2.59%
harbor 2.30%
carry 2.01%
employ 2.01%
see 2.01%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
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