1.   Cease-fire violations remain common, and the rebels have repeatedly blocked U.N. troops deployed to monitor the peace from moving freely through the country.

2.   NATO troops, which are deployed to monitor peace in the region, confirmed the explosion, but did not provide additional details.

3.   Several thousand U.N. peacekeepers have been deployed to monitor cease-fire violations.

4.   Zimbabwe has said it would withdraw its forces once a U.N. peace force is deployed to monitor the implementation of the accord.

5.   Cuban coast guard units were deployed to monitor a protest at sea by anti-Castro exiles Wednesday, the official news agency Prensa Latina said.

6.   Similar observations were made recently by the UN-Organization of American States observer mission in Haiti, which was deployed to monitor human rights violations.

v. + monitor >>共 61
use 27.54%
set_up 16.43%
establish 5.31%
create 3.86%
step_up 3.86%
deploy 2.90%
arrive 2.90%
install 2.42%
stay 2.42%
be 1.93%
deploy + v. >>共 138
protect 9.93%
prevent 9.03%
help 5.42%
guard 4.29%
keep 3.39%
ensure 2.71%
enforce 2.71%
assist 2.48%
maintain 2.48%
quell 2.26%
monitor 1.35%
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