1.   Governors and departmental assemblies expressed their desire to support the national government.

2.   He again stressed that any change in the fundamental law should come from the people through the departmental assemblies.

3.   It was finally Decided to refer the matter to the departmental assemblies.

4.   Halphen has ordered numerous documents seized from the office of Schuller, now an elected member of the Hauts de Seine departmental assembly.

5.   Schuller is now an elected member of the Hauts de Seine departmental assembly.

a. + assembly >>共 417
national 13.30%
state 6.74%
new 6.21%
provincial 3.30%
local 3.30%
final 3.22%
parliamentary 2.76%
special 2.68%
regional 2.41%
constitutional 2.15%
departmental 0.19%
departmental + n. >>共 169
charge 4.80%
store 3.47%
policy 3.20%
trial 2.93%
hearing 2.67%
boundary 2.40%
budget 2.40%
head 2.13%
brochure 2.13%
review 1.87%
assembly 1.33%
每页显示:    共 5