1.   GE and Emlico deny the implication, but it is a charge they have not been able to shake.

2.   Lassar denied the implications of the column, which he said suggested that Andreas was upset about the investigation and in turn triggered the ire of the FBI.

3.   League executives strongly denied any implication that the changes were mandated with any particular teams or individuals in mind.

4.   Qadir has indignantly denied the implication that he acted to hoard the drugs himself.

5.   But he immediately denied implications that the photos tied him to the GAL.

6.   The statement also denied the implication in a statement by a Myanmar exile opposition group that the Frenchman had been taken away by authorities for political activities.

7.   Walesa and Kwasniewski vehemently deny implications they worked as agents.

8.   Albania blamed the attack on the Greek special forces but Greece denied any implication.

9.   The three countries have on several occasions denied implication in the conflict.

10.   Those three countries have on several occasions denied any implication in the Sudan conflict.

v. + implication >>共 119
have 66.64%
discuss 3.32%
consider 3.17%
carry 2.72%
understand 2.72%
study 1.51%
examine 1.13%
deny 0.98%
hold 0.91%
reject 0.83%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
implication 0.05%
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