1.   University officials adamantly deny any attempt to stifle promotion of minorities.

2.   Along the way, it redefines Vega as a sexy chanteuse, but she denies any attempt at greater commercial appeal.

3.   A federal judge denied attempts to prevent the wolf reintroduction.

4.   Both parties emphatically deny any attempt to roll back the clock.

5.   But Garcetti, in a telephone interview from an undisclosed location outside of Los Angeles, vehemently denied any attempt to embarrass Parks.

6.   But Istook denies any attempt to suppress political expression.

7.   China President Jiang Zemin repeatedly has denied any attempt to divert funds to U.S. candidates.

8.   He denied any attempt to turn Mexican-Americans into political allies.

9.   He downplayed, though, the scope of the problems and emphatically denied any attempt at a coverup.

10.   Mansfield first told the Chronicle on Thursday that he was aware the stipulation was a court order but denied any attempt to conceal it from state officials.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
deny 0.78%
deny + n. >>共 402
charge 15.16%
report 12.33%
allegation 10.78%
involvement 7.92%
wrongdoing 7.76%
accusation 5.30%
claim 4.12%
request 1.82%
knowledge 1.79%
responsibility 1.77%
attempt 0.12%
每页显示:    共 33