1.   The demonstration began peacefully enough, but then the police waded in with batons and CS gas.

2.   County and city government offices closed early Monday to let employees clear the downtown area before the demonstration began, though many joined the crowd.

3.   Demonstrations in Hong Kong began to rival the huge protests filling the streets of Beijing.

4.   Police quickly seized the protestors as their demonstration began, and snatched banners displaying the five-ring Olympic logo embellished with five bullet holes.

5.   Such demonstrations begin with noon prayers, and usually finish in a few hours.

6.   The demonstrations began after Milosevic annulled the electoral victories of an opposition coalition in several major cities last month.

7.   The nightly demonstrations began last week against Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

8.   There is evidence that the demonstrations are beginning to attract elements beyond the madrassa students and religious zealots who were their earlier mainstay.

9.   A few hours after the demonstration began, IRNA quoted an unidentified Oil Ministry official as saying the workers had returned to work following negotiations with ministry officials.

10.   An armed police contingent arrived shortly after the demonstration began, but did nothing to disperse the students.

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game 0.72%
demonstration 0.08%
demonstration + v. >>共 249
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take 8.49%
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erupt 3.26%
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end 2.62%
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