1.   A fiery sermon on the evils of demon rum.

2.   Apparently it comes from demon rum.

3.   Demon rum still flowed during Prohibition, but this proposed constitutional amendment could wreck the economy overnight.

4.   Now, the talk was more of demon rum than the monstrous murderer.

5.   The temperance movement quoted the Bible relentlessly and erroneously to campaign against demon rum and, ultimately, bring about Prohibition earlier in this century.

6.   When the Methodists say we shall not have drinking on campus because demon rum is how people go directly to perdition, kids will find a way around that.

7.   And a leader of the temperance movement wanted to use the rays to show drunkards the effects of demon rum on their bodies.

8.   Teetotalers in fury against demon rum.

n. + rum >>共 7
demon 53.33%
coconut 13.33%
community 6.67%
estate 6.67%
five-spice 6.67%
produce 6.67%
stir 6.67%
demon + n. >>共 46
rum 11.43%
king 7.14%
drink 4.29%
lover 4.29%
possession 4.29%
inflation 2.86%
eye 2.86%
army 2.86%
barber 2.86%
seed 2.86%
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