1.   As well as demographic trends these include such social and economic factors as alternative opportunities for employment and the supply of places.

2.   At first this was because of high levels of youth unemployment and latterly because of demographic trends.

3.   Birth rates alone are not helpful in assessing the demographic trends.

4.   Focuses on the effects of income, housing costs, employment, education, housing supply, demographic trends and cultural factors.

5.   For starters, demographic trends are against it.

6.   However, Decisions regarding the provision of education can not be based solely on demographic trends.

7.   Therefore many traditional notions about rural Decline have to be modified to take account of the remarkable turn-around in demographic trends.

8.   The case study illustrates that the implications of demographic trends can be modified by unforeseen economic events but they can also be successfully addressed by policy planning.

9.   Analysts say that Koekisha is well-managed, financially sound, and has long-range demographic trends on its side.

10.   And demographic trends suggest their political power will only be magnified in the future.

a. + trend >>共 914
downward 4.51%
national 4.10%
new 3.55%
recent 3.53%
current 3.52%
growing 3.50%
upward 3.14%
long-term 2.16%
warming 2.14%
economic 1.99%
demographic 1.08%
demographic + n. >>共 233
group 14.24%
change 8.91%
trend 7.29%
shift 6.02%
information 3.94%
datum 3.36%
profile 1.85%
factor 1.74%
characteristic 1.62%
pressure 1.39%
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