1.   Democrats have insisted they are not.

2.   Democrats insist it is no accident that the drop in prices has coincided with their takeover of the Senate.

3.   Democrats insist that Clinton is not plotting to be a shadow president nor to lob partisan grenades at George W. Bush.

4.   Democrats insist that politics is no part of their calculation.

5.   Democrats insist there is a possibility of winning the state.

6.   Democrats insisted on even more increases for education.

7.   Democrats insisted on that provision in the event Pakistan or India, for example, resumed nuclear weapons tests.

8.   Democrats insisted that drug benefits should be a standard part of Medicare.

9.   Democrats insisted that it be a task force and not a special committee so that it would not hold subpoena power.

10.   Democrats insisted that the focus should be on assisting low-income workers and people who have lost jobs.

n. + insist >>共 997
official 19.77%
government 7.48%
leader 3.30%
company 2.03%
authority 1.92%
administration 1.82%
aide 1.23%
executive 1.23%
rebel 1.22%
police 1.12%
democrat 0.48%
democrat + v. >>共 531
say 14.37%
be 7.43%
want 3.38%
have 3.03%
accuse 2.21%
argue 2.04%
hope 1.96%
complain 1.94%
contend 1.59%
try 1.44%
insist 0.92%
每页显示:    共 37