1.   Human rights groups said democracy will not mature in Latin America unless it is respected by all institutions within a society.

2.   But as the democracy matured, such violence became rare, though lawmakers frequently yell at each other and trade outrageous allegations.

3.   Despite the violence and charges of vote fraud, the balloting was touted by the government as a sign that its flawed democracy was maturing.

4.   Despite the charges of vote fraud, the balloting was touted by the government as a sign its flawed democracy was maturing.

5.   Once notorious for frequent fisticuffs among lawmakers, Taiwan has grown increasingly intolerant of such behavior as its pugnacious young democracy matures.

6.   The government has sought to hold up the vote as a sign that democracy is maturing in Yemen, a country on the southern rim of the Arabian Peninsula.

n. + mature >>共 214
bond 7.78%
market 4.35%
industry 3.89%
technology 2.29%
crop 2.06%
plant 1.60%
team 1.60%
loan 1.60%
cell 1.37%
economy 1.37%
democracy 1.37%
democracy + v. >>共 246
be 34.06%
take 5.00%
have 3.58%
require 2.45%
work 1.98%
survive 1.70%
come 1.60%
flourish 1.23%
become 1.13%
need 1.13%
mature 0.57%
每页显示:    共 6