1.   They are also very useful for marking delicate lines on to marzipan and icing, and for precise work where fingers would be too large and clumsy.

2.   Cut out tiny wings from non-stick or rice paper -- four for each dragonfly -- and paint on delicate lines of blue and green.

3.   Any first lady treads a delicate line between the traditional role of spouse and the role of partner, or surrogate politician.

4.   Bonds, you see, walks a rather delicate line these days with respect to the public.

5.   Both drawings have the familiar spider web tangle of delicate lines.

6.   A good leader always straddles the delicate line between confident and cocky, and Boller walks it well.

7.   Bush walked a delicate line between domestic politics and foreign relations with his speech.

8.   But Bush officials attempted to walk a delicate line on the issue of threats.

9.   But Mbeki, who treads the same delicate line between black hopes and white fears, navigates a different path.

10.   But Musharraf was also treading a delicate line domestically.

a. + line >>共 738
offensive 8.59%
long 7.17%
new 3.95%
defensive 3.51%
blue 2.73%
fine 2.21%
state 2.01%
first 1.86%
straight 1.71%
same 1.44%
delicate 0.15%
delicate + n. >>共 859
balance 6.46%
issue 3.65%
act 2.98%
task 2.46%
negotiation 2.32%
matter 1.86%
position 1.82%
situation 1.68%
time 1.44%
moment 1.26%
line 1.05%
每页显示:    共 30