1.   Are you able to delegate work?

2.   I find it tough to delegate my work to Juniors, to the associates.

3.   The most effective way of working is to delegate work down to the lowest competent level at which it can be handled.

4.   And this is the era of the absentee director and choreographer, he added, who often delegate their work with choruses to lesser mortals.

5.   Delegate work to competent people.

6.   If you need to learn how to communicate under stress, say no to unrealistic demands or delegate work, this book may have some tips to help.

7.   Jay may also have to cough up some money for new managerial talent to whom Bob can delegate some work.

8.   And I assure you, I will not delegate the work of spray-painting doors to assistants.

9.   It would be a good idea to provisionally suspend social reform legislation and delegate this work to community organisations.

v. + work >>共 737
do 16.57%
find 5.32%
begin 4.98%
complete 3.35%
start 3.00%
continue 2.29%
finish 2.24%
resume 2.02%
have 1.96%
make 1.71%
delegate 0.05%
delegate + n. >>共 63
authority 27.33%
responsibility 16.67%
power 10.33%
task 9.67%
work 3.00%
duty 2.33%
job 2.00%
decision 2.00%
detail 2.00%
chore 1.33%
每页显示:    共 9