1.   The delegates agreed that the full PICC should be re-convened in an atmosphere propitious to national reconciliation.

2.   Delegates also agreed to the phased lifting of sanctions in categories to be determined by the newly elected NEC.

3.   Delegates agreed only to postpone action until after a decision by the UN General Assembly.

4.   Delegates agreed afterwards that they found more ground for agreement than conflict and appreciated the frank and open discussions.

5.   As soon as the delegates had agreed, they flung open the doors and invited public inspection.

6.   Delegates also agreed to a Declaration of Caracas that outlines the goals of the conference.

7.   Finally, in the major concession, the rebel Serbian delegate agreed to negotiate with the Croatian government to reintegrate the Krajina into Croatia.

8.   However, featuring minority speakers and nominating Jack Kemp as vice president were steps toward opening the party, the delegates agreed.

9.   Ignoring US objections, delegates agreed to a draft of the treaty in Oslo.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
delegate 0.43%
delegate + v. >>共 498
say 12.87%
be 9.68%
agree 3.06%
vote 2.03%
meet 1.96%
have 1.82%
discuss 1.68%
express 1.10%
approve 1.03%
complain 1.03%
每页显示:    共 88