1.   British delegates, who played a crucial role in negotiating the Kyoto agreements, deflect suggestions that there might have been a secret deal.

2.   But the Chinese leaders whom she met, including the prime minister, Zhu Rongji, and the president, Jiang Zemin, deflected her suggestion.

3.   Looking grim, he deflected suggestions that he should step down.

4.   Ojeda deflected these suggestions and supplied a way to avoid any awkwardness now that he is back with the Mets, back to being himself.

5.   The family has been offering those details on the Internet to try to deflect any suggestion that the family tree is tainted with collaboration.

6.   These simple economic explanations certainly help foreign executives deflect suggestions that they may be motivated to merge with an American partner to help boost their own pay.

7.   Weld deflected suggestions that he bears some responsibility for disability pension abuses that have persisted during his more than five years as governor.

8.   The United Nations sought to deflect suggestions that the NATO air attacks were aiding the Bosnian army.

v. + suggestion >>共 312
reject 20.05%
dismiss 13.17%
make 9.45%
offer 5.78%
have 5.61%
deny 5.08%
dispute 1.95%
brush_aside 1.41%
give 1.35%
resist 1.13%
deflect 0.23%
deflect + n. >>共 208
question 13.58%
attention 12.08%
criticism 11.60%
ball 6.98%
shot 6.89%
pass 5.19%
blame 3.21%
puck 2.17%
praise 1.79%
pressure 1.51%
suggestion 0.75%
每页显示:    共 8