1.   As long as a band spells out Ohio in script, that is how the generations of Buckeye linemen will be defined.

2.   A child of the TV era, he thinks every generation is defined in part by the discoveries and inventions of its time.

3.   It kind of defines the generation in their searching for answers to questions they maybe posed too young in their lives.

4.   No one can continue to define a generation the way he once had, but even so, he was not aging well.

5.   Now that Americans routinely sort each other by age, some experts are rethinking how we define generations.

6.   No food defines a generation like Pop-Tarts.

7.   Sun and Park define the generations of fans in Korea.

8.   The acronym alone defines a generation.

9.   The Beatles changed musical history and helped define a generation.

10.   The new computing generation will be defined by the ability to build programs that span tens or even hundreds of computers linked together by the Internet.

v. + generation >>共 277
take 5.92%
influence 4.05%
produce 3.43%
span 3.43%
inspire 2.34%
define 2.34%
spawn 2.18%
have 2.02%
skip 1.71%
raise 1.71%
define + n. >>共 1107
term 2.42%
role 2.28%
recession 1.71%
life 1.33%
career 1.18%
area 1.18%
terrorism 1.12%
character 1.09%
relationship 1.06%
limit 1.03%
generation 0.44%
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