1.   As a result, the dollar will be punished on global financial markets if the budget deficits remain high and trade imbalances continue to climb.

2.   For example, polls show the budget deficit remains a top issue with voters this year.

3.   If deficits remain taboo, as seems likely unless a recession strikes, then Democrats and Republicans will fight even more fiercely over how to apportion a limited pie.

4.   Instead, deficits have remained high.

5.   Leaders of EU countries and their officials insisted that slashing public deficits remain a top priority.

6.   Nonetheless, the current account deficit remains the key economic factor holding the dollar back.

7.   The hard landing never happened, and the deficit remains.

8.   The trade deficit will probably remain in the current range for the near future, analysts said.

9.   Underlying budget deficits remain large.

10.   While October is now the wettest month in many parts of the Northeast in over a year, the precipitation deficits remain large.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
deficit 0.05%
deficit + v. >>共 225
be 28.66%
grow 3.47%
widen 3.26%
narrow 3.04%
continue 2.55%
shrink 2.12%
mean 1.77%
balloon 1.63%
have 1.56%
come 1.56%
remain 1.34%
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