1.   Both sides should drop their destructive habit of enacting multi-year tax cuts and spending programs that cause deficits to balloon in the years ahead.

2.   All hands continue to expect the deficit to balloon one of these months on cheap Asian imports and soft demand in Asia for Yankee exports.

3.   But the nation is aging quickly, and the federal deficit will balloon as the elderly retire and draw pensions.

4.   But these days, it is hard not to wonder whether the trust deficit is suddenly ballooning.

5.   But with Republicans in Congress intent on cutting taxes, many currency traders and foreign officials are convinced that the budget deficit will balloon rather than decline.

6.   Entitlement reform would be put off under that scenario, and the deficit would balloon, forcing up interest rates.

7.   In fact, budget deficits ballooned under Reagan and for many years after he left office.

8.   Income growth slowed, the poverty rate stagnated and budget deficits ballooned.

9.   Moreover, the trade deficit was still ballooning despite the lower dollar, which was just beginning to help make U.S. goods more competitive in world markets.

10.   Nonetheless, that tax relief ought to be accompanied by comparable spending cuts, or the deficit will balloon.

n. + balloon >>共 90
deficit 14.74%
weight 5.77%
ball 5.13%
loan 3.85%
cost 3.21%
demand 2.56%
price 2.56%
debt 1.92%
score 1.92%
loss 1.28%
deficit + v. >>共 225
be 28.66%
grow 3.47%
widen 3.26%
narrow 3.04%
continue 2.55%
shrink 2.12%
mean 1.77%
balloon 1.63%
have 1.56%
come 1.56%
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