1.   If an extension is not obtained subsequent profit costs may be deferred.

2.   Delay tactics preserve profits, by deferring the costs of safety improvements to workplaces.

3.   Most child support intended for families on welfare goes instead to state governments, which use the money to defer the cost of benefits.

4.   Often the bride and groom defer hotel costs by asking relatives or friends to host an attendant in their home.

5.   The charge reflects a plan stop deferring the costs of marketing activities, such as mailing diskettes to customers.

6.   The charges reflect a plan stop deferring the costs of marketing activities, such as mailing diskettes to customers.

7.   The charge reflects a plan to stop deferring the costs of marketing activities, such as mailing disks to customers.

8.   The charge reflects a plan stop deferring the costs of marketing activities, such as mailing disks to customers.

9.   The executives, David Checkosky and Norman Aldrich, both accountants, recklessly agreed to defer costs that Savin incurred in developing a new photocopier, the SEC said.

10.   The department figured it would save money by avoiding or deferring the cost of building a new water reservoir.

v. + cost >>共 418
cut 16.02%
reduce 10.52%
cover 5.79%
raise 4.94%
lower 4.28%
increase 3.38%
pay 3.02%
control 1.97%
share 1.53%
keep_down 1.43%
defer 0.07%
defer + n. >>共 219
decision 13.13%
tax 7.26%
payment 6.11%
travel 5.07%
action 3.46%
question 3.00%
comment 2.42%
sale 1.96%
project 1.84%
issue 1.73%
cost 1.27%
每页显示:    共 11