1.   As anger and frustration over defense tactics built, Fred and Kim Goldman took their case before the cameras, waging a battle unseen by the jurors.

2.   Darden appeared to take an almost visceral dislike to Cochran and his defense tactics.

3.   During the trial, Wetzel, who kept a tight rein on proceedings, frequently clashed with Litman, who is noted for his aggressive defense tactics.

4.   In both cases, the defense tactics had little chance of success, legal experts said.

5.   In the O.J. Simpson trial, there is outrage at defense tactics.

6.   Last year, Pickens was forced to fend off a takeover attempt by former lieutenant David Batchelder and adopt defense tactics he once condemned.

7.   Story will summarize case, review some of the testimony and examine prosecution and defense tactics.

8.   The attorney takes credit for the skillful maneuverings, but when the defense tactics turned sleazy, as many argue they did, he washes his hands of it.

9.   The main explanation for the defense tactics, they say, can be found in the death penalty Timmendequas would face if convicted of intentional murder.

10.   The two detectives declined to discuss the specifics of the case, but both said they were upset by the verdict and the defense tactics.

n. + tactics >>共 233
police 9.46%
guerrilla 7.90%
campaign 6.71%
pressure 5.87%
hardball 4.79%
intimidation 3.59%
terror 2.87%
shock 2.63%
business 2.04%
enforcement 1.56%
defense 1.32%
defense + n. >>共 309
lawyer 15.07%
attorney 12.96%
minister 11.58%
official 5.04%
system 4.38%
ministry 3.12%
secretary 2.97%
team 2.75%
contractor 1.91%
industry 1.54%
tactics 0.05%
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