1.   But until now the very volume of data involved has defeated attempts to analyse it.

2.   The goal is to defeat any attempt to assume another identity while involved with electronic mail or other forms of data communication.

3.   Bush has put himself at the center of a conflict that has defeated countless attempts at resolution.

4.   But deeply divisive issues of territory, governance and justice that defeated previous attempts to reach peace remain.

5.   But Houston voters last fall defeated an attempt to dismantle the municipal affirmative action program, although a state judge has ordered a second election.

6.   But Republican leaders, with the support of the White House, defeated an attempt by Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa to dramatically increase financing for special education.

7.   By wide margins, the House defeated two attempts by Democrats to weaken the bill.

8.   He vehemently denies that he tried to protect Raul Salinas and has defeated four attempts by Mexico to extradite him.

9.   In early May, Turner helped defeat an attempt by media companies and civil liberties groups to repeal the Texas law.

10.   Life Partners, however, defeated attempts to force disclosure of investors and to set mandatory minimums for the settlements paid to the terminally ill.

v. + attempt >>共 566
make 21.13%
block 5.10%
resist 4.20%
reject 3.47%
foil 2.68%
fight 2.54%
oppose 2.40%
abandon 2.09%
thwart 2.04%
survive 1.50%
defeat 0.83%
defeat + n. >>共 440
purpose 5.14%
measure 4.81%
bill 3.77%
rebel 3.38%
proposal 3.25%
amendment 3.19%
effort 2.93%
attempt 2.28%
candidate 2.08%
motion 2.02%
每页显示:    共 35