1.   It is reinforced further by the fact that they have a low default risk.

2.   Treasury bills are default-free, and high-quality commercial paper carries a minuscule default risk.

3.   Finally, bonds can be classified according to their default risk.

4.   The default risk on a bond is usually assessed in the form of a credit rating.

5.   Default risk in the form of sector risk, quality risk, etc.

6.   Default risk will be measured by the price spread on the two bonds being compared.

n. + risk >>共 475
health 24.63%
cancer 7.58%
credit 5.49%
flight 4.07%
currency 3.95%
safety 3.83%
investment 2.84%
inflation 2.45%
downside 1.89%
market 1.86%
default 1.03%
default + n. >>共 121
rate 16.80%
setting 8.01%
risk 6.72%
judgment 5.43%
directory 4.91%
value 3.10%
notice 3.10%
browser 2.33%
position 1.81%
filename 1.81%
每页显示:    共 26