1.   The legend in the lower left corner of the map is called a default option.

2.   But the default option for those not specifying a preference is the limited coverage.

3.   In a final twist on accepted convention, Hamilton made PDI the default option for positive enrollment.

4.   To Hamilton, making PDI the default option was crucial, because it meant that even the most financially illiterate Safelite employee would have a well-designed investment portfolio.

5.   If you were to follow the default options of a black foreground and a white background, you will get black lines representing the shapes of white bricks.

6.   The default option, Best Fit, will be visible.

n. + option >>共 759
treatment 5.61%
call 4.46%
investment 3.98%
career 2.40%
policy 2.35%
share 2.06%
trade 1.63%
index 1.58%
entertainment 1.44%
currency 1.34%
default 0.29%
default + n. >>共 121
rate 16.80%
setting 8.01%
risk 6.72%
judgment 5.43%
directory 4.91%
value 3.10%
notice 3.10%
browser 2.33%
position 1.81%
filename 1.81%
option 1.55%
每页显示:    共 6