1.   A deep stab wound in his leg from a broken bottle or knife severed his femoral artery and caused him to bleed slowly to death.

2.   Routier was hospitalized with two deep stab wounds.

3.   Mr Chung said Lai received deep stab wounds that damaged his intestines.

4.   The official version was suicide but Moeller, who had deep stab wounds, said the authorities had tried to kill her.

a. + stab >>共 101
first 7.83%
diving 7.39%
minor 4.35%
serious 4.35%
last 3.91%
backhanded 3.04%
self-inflicted 3.04%
severe 3.04%
single 3.04%
fatal 2.17%
deep 1.74%
deep + n. >>共 742
breath 6.38%
cut 3.86%
concern 2.26%
division 2.08%
trouble 1.87%
water 1.79%
discount 1.52%
root 1.50%
recession 1.26%
snow 1.14%
stab 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4