1.   Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.

2.   Reporters would be accompanied by military information officers in combat zones if deemed necessary by local commanders and would be strongly discouraged from travelling independently.

3.   At its discretion the Tribunal may abridge or extend time limits specified in this paragraph as it may deem necessary.

4.   And it has also given the United States the option of interfering with even the unscrambled signals at any time, if deemed necessary by mililtary strategists.

5.   Benches, little people perches, are all Pawson deems necessary.

6.   But the Bush administration Thursday again demonstrated its readiness to go it alone when it deems necessary, boycotting the ceremony here marking the birth of the court.

7.   Finally, Milosevic is said to be insisting that Yugoslavia be allowed to import as much oil and petroleum as he deems necessary.

8.   If the doctors deem surgery necessary, recovery time could take from four to six weeks, Maurer said.

9.   If you need a longer stay than your insurance company deems necessary, will your physician go to bat for you?

10.   In city districts, the State Board of Regents can close and restructure as many failing schools as it deems necessary.

v. + necessary >>共 48
deem 23.36%
do 9.35%
consider 5.61%
even 5.61%
think 5.61%
approve 2.80%
arrange 1.87%
get 1.87%
acquire 1.87%
identify 1.87%
deem + n. >>共 116
necessary 13.97%
threat 6.15%
illegal 3.35%
worthy 3.35%
fit 2.79%
offensive 2.23%
incident 1.68%
flight 1.68%
expendable 1.12%
idea 1.12%
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