1.   If the commission deems a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination illegal, the companies would be break EU law by completing the acquisition.

2.   If the commission deems a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination illegal, the companies would be breaking EU law by completing the acquisition.

3.   If the commission deems a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination illegal, the companies would be breaking European law by finalizing their acquisition.

4.   The six warned that they would be sent back to prison if they wrote or published more articles deemed illegal.

5.   A television station controlled by city hall aired a show with the CIA allegation against Yavlinsky and ran pro-Yakovlev ads deemed illegal by election officials.

6.   Hun Sen has appointed a new co-premier, Ung Huot, since the coup, a move the prince and his supporters deem illegal.

v. + illegal >>共 76
rule 6.96%
stop 6.09%
deem 5.22%
deport 3.48%
hire 2.61%
employ 2.61%
harbour 2.61%
smuggle 2.61%
find 1.74%
consider 1.74%
deem + n. >>共 116
necessary 13.97%
threat 6.15%
illegal 3.35%
worthy 3.35%
fit 2.79%
offensive 2.23%
incident 1.68%
flight 1.68%
expendable 1.12%
idea 1.12%
每页显示:    共 6