1.   Decreases your risk of colon cancer.

2.   More nuclear weapons, properly shared out, might decrease the risk of global war.

3.   In addition, income security for a long period decreases the risks associated with the investment.

4.   And a human study has suggested that tea consumption may decrease the risk of cataracts.

5.   Another study indicates estrogen increases the risk of ovarian cancer, and still another shows it decreases the risk of colon cancer.

6.   At any age, it can enhance overall stamina, increase stability and decrease the risk of falls, and counter depression.

7.   ACE inhibitors, these studies showed, reduced the degree of heart remodeling, and this decreased the risk of heart failure and prolonged survival time.

8.   But he adds that Texaco has committed a sizable amount of capital in Brazil because discoveries of giant fields like Roncador greatly decrease risk.

v. + risk >>共 497
take 13.91%
reduce 12.96%
increase 8.50%
run 5.86%
pose 4.71%
carry 3.83%
raise 2.50%
minimize 2.25%
face 2.20%
lower 1.85%
decrease 0.54%
decrease + n. >>共 314
cloudiness 6.50%
number 6.20%
risk 5.00%
amount 3.80%
cost 3.20%
chance 3.10%
demand 2.90%
value 2.90%
cloud 2.40%
production 2.20%
每页显示:    共 50