1.   Also use the film to cover the areas around the house where the deck is attached because some deck cleaners can affect concrete and siding.

2.   Deck cleaners remove dirt and grime and also the surface layer of dead cells in the wood.

3.   Deck cleaners will not eliminate rot nor will they keep it from spreading.

4.   Fortunately, a number of products, called deck cleaners or deck revivers, can be used to restore the natural color of wood.

5.   Normal deck cleaners will return them to a uniform color.

6.   Some deck cleaners are available in liquid form and are ready for spraying on the deck.

7.   The deck cleaner will restore the color to the boards, but eventually even this renewed color will fade.

n. + cleaner >>共 99
air 8.97%
house 8.52%
window 6.73%
burn 4.93%
carpet 4.04%
oven 3.59%
deck 3.14%
toilet 3.14%
drain 2.24%
hospital 1.79%
deck + n. >>共 101
board 9.91%
floor 5.86%
shoe 4.95%
lid 4.05%
screw 3.60%
space 3.60%
stain 3.60%
cleaner 3.15%
gun 3.15%
rail 2.70%
每页显示:    共 7