1.   It is absolutely necessary for students to assimilate information and make the right decisions based on critical thinking.

2.   Consultants also say that many large-company brand managers are risk averse and make decisions based on data that reflect the past.

3.   Experts disagree whether current anti-discrimination laws prohibit employers from making employment decisions based on genetic test information.

4.   Financial advisers caution people from making investment decisions based on one-day moves.

5.   It was expected to lead to a landmark decision on affirmative action, one that might have rewritten the ground rules for employment decisions based on race.

6.   Justice David H. Souter, a former New Hampshire Supreme Court justice, added that federal judges have no business intervening in state court decisions based on state law.

7.   Morality, however, would imply a decision based on some action or conduct.

8.   Not all the information fed by the double agents was necessarily inaccurate, and not all weapons decisions based on tainted information were necessarily unwise.

9.   On the negative side, it would punish millions of Americans who made investment decisions based on the current tax system.

10.   One key to the success of the recreation agenda will be management decisions based upon the best science available.

n. + base >>共 962
company 4.30%
group 2.15%
fee 1.31%
service 1.00%
firm 1.00%
government 0.96%
court 0.92%
system 0.92%
decision 0.88%
program 0.84%
decision + v. >>共 470
be 27.27%
come 9.79%
have 4.22%
follow 2.50%
mean 2.10%
make 2.08%
rest 1.29%
affect 1.22%
leave 1.09%
go 1.09%
base 0.21%
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