1.   BCE said that decision would allow both companies to more easily pursue their own growth strategies.

2.   Bennett also maintained that a Supreme Court decision allowing the Jones suit to proceed would prompt a flurry of private damages suits against the president.

3.   A recent federal court decision allows California to ban slot machines at Indian casinos.

4.   But a federal court decision has allowed federally chartered banks to ignore many of these restrictions, so many state legislatures have been gradually eliminating them.

5.   His decision allowed election officials in Palm Beach, Broward and Volusia counties to proceed with the painstaking recounts that were requested last week by the Democrats.

6.   I pray that this decision will allow them to find peace of mind and closure in the face of their loss.

7.   If a state wished to use its under-age drinking laws to prosecute teenagers who take communal wine during a religious service, the Smith decision would allow it.

8.   If the homeowner ignores the demand for arbitration, the contractor must still petition the arbitrator for a decision allowing the contractor to file the lien.

9.   In their New York suit, Matthew Bender and HyperLaw contend that decision should allow them to use West citations on their compact disks.

10.   Mongan said the decision also allows him and his wife to be near their children, who attend college in New England.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
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bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
decision 0.42%
decision + v. >>共 470
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follow 2.50%
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