1.   If not deciding rankings, the game has broken home-court winning streaks or determined national championships.

2.   Officer rankings are decided by a combination of academic, athletic and military skills, as well as ratings by the cadets.

3.   The team rankings will be decided by the final results here.

4.   The final season rankings should be decided in Frankfurt.

v. + ranking >>共 138
base 10.78%
release 5.66%
use 4.31%
improve 3.50%
top 2.96%
determine 2.96%
compile 2.16%
include 1.89%
lead 1.89%
follow 1.89%
decide 1.08%
decide + n. >>共 579
case 8.89%
issue 8.06%
fate 7.48%
game 4.78%
future 3.54%
outcome 3.11%
election 2.94%
matter 2.82%
winner 2.22%
question 1.93%
ranking 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4