1.   Since each matrimonial property or custody dispute is to be Decided according to judicial discretion the result is that litigation abounds.

2.   The cases were decided according to how far advanced they were legally.

3.   These will, however, be decided according to the NC Code should any of the parties change their mind.

4.   The Taliban commander said this would be decided according to the Sharia.

5.   Questioned by journalists during the Franco-African summit taking place here, the OAU chief said he would decide according to how matters develop.

v. + accord >>共 447
be 6.79%
act 2.77%
calculate 2.64%
make 2.50%
pay 2.31%
say 2.11%
classify 1.91%
do 1.85%
vote 1.71%
rank 1.65%
decide 0.33%
decide + v. >>共 54
base 7.69%
follow 6.59%
be 6.59%
accord 5.49%
involve 4.40%
say 4.40%
have 3.30%
bird 3.30%
step 3.30%
further 2.20%
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