1.   The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.

2.   Back in Washington, the debate revolves around dueling sets of statistics about why Americans often pay more.

3.   The current debate revolves around whether the legislature will put it on the ballot, or whether a huge petition drive will be needed.

4.   The debate revolves instead about what to do about it.

5.   The scientific debate revolved around observations of faint and presumably distant radio sources in the sky.

6.   The second debate revolved around the two quarterbacks.

7.   The internal debate revolves around what U.S. policy should be if and when Libya takes those steps.

n. + revolve >>共 236
life 11.93%
issue 3.53%
plot 3.03%
world 3.03%
story 2.86%
question 2.52%
case 2.35%
dispute 2.02%
game 1.51%
discussion 1.34%
debate 1.18%
debate + v. >>共 457
be 35.07%
begin 4.59%
continue 4.09%
rage 3.00%
go 2.43%
take 2.02%
have 2.02%
come 1.75%
focus 1.59%
center 1.39%
revolve 0.16%
每页显示:    共 7