1.   But as the debate dragged, many lawmakers said they remained undecided.

2.   Concern that the U.S. budget debate will drag on hurt the dollar, traders said.

3.   In the meantime, as congressional debate drags on, many will continue to argue that the agreement has died.

4.   The House floor would also look different under a new majority, Gephardt said, with more closed rules so debates did not drag on late into the night.

5.   The U.S. currency was unable to hold onto its gains amid concern the U.S. budget debate will drag on, traders said.

6.   Although the parliament was acting on orders by Milosevic, the debate dragged late into the evening.

7.   Although the parliament was acting on orders by Milosevic, debate dragged into the evening.

8.   But as the debate dragged on, a series of legislators came down clearly against the accord, raising questions about whether it could be in jeopardy.

9.   Even as the debate dragged on, back-room deal makers were huddled over new political configurations to try and avoid another election.

10.   If debate drags on Friday, the vote will be put off until next week, after the federal budget is presented to parliament on Saturday.

n. + drag >>共 556
case 5.05%
talk 4.13%
negotiation 3.47%
war 3.47%
police 3.26%
strike 2.17%
process 2.06%
man 1.57%
government 1.57%
crisis 1.47%
debate 0.81%
debate + v. >>共 457
be 35.07%
begin 4.59%
continue 4.09%
rage 3.00%
go 2.43%
take 2.02%
have 2.02%
come 1.75%
focus 1.59%
center 1.39%
drag 0.34%
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