1.   He bled to death after being stabbed repeatedly.

2.   Lewis was condemned to death after a trial lasting a year and a half.

3.   McVeigh was condemned to death after his conviction on identical charges in June.

4.   The two Leeds supporters were believed to have been stabbed to death after an argument with workmen.

5.   He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.

6.   ...a son who blasted his father to death after a life-time of bullying.

7.   The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke.

8.   The two deaths after the trial were related to severe ulcerative colitis, and unlikely to have been drug related.

9.   A post-mortem revealed it had bled to death after being slashed on the udder with a sharp instrument, severing a main artery.

10.   A TEENAGE mother who stabbed her daughter to death after giving birth because she was too terrified to seek help, walked free from a court yesterday.

n. + after >>共 1520
day 1.64%
year 1.60%
week 1.30%
reporter 1.27%
game 1.06%
hour 0.96%
season 0.88%
month 0.85%
hospital 0.82%
time 0.56%
death 0.20%
death + p. >>共 82
in 30.36%
by 15.19%
from 8.20%
for 7.95%
on 6.41%
with 4.92%
as 3.65%
at 3.23%
to 2.97%
among 2.39%
after 2.24%
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