1.   That deal provoked a showdown between Turner and two other shareholders, Comcast and Continental.

2.   The deal has provoked some muttering about a foreign invasion of the financial services industry.

3.   The deal provoked an uproar that led Gingrich to reject the advance, although he will still receive royalties.

4.   The deal has provoked some grumbling in Washington amid the rise of the Republicans and the domestic chaos in Russia resulting from the war over breakaway Chechnya.

5.   These deals provoked numerous scandals.

6.   But the deal provoked a bidding battle war and involved many of the biggest names in the media and entertainment businesses.

7.   The deal provoked protests from Arab nations.

8.   The deal provoked a storm of protest.

9.   The likely deal provoked anger elsewhere.

10.   The waste deal also provoked a veiled warning by Washington, which is leading the consortium to build the safe nuclear reactors for the North.

n. + provoke >>共 589
move 2.92%
incident 2.05%
case 1.90%
attack 1.75%
killing 1.68%
decision 1.53%
plan 1.39%
comment 1.39%
proposal 1.24%
remark 1.24%
deal 1.02%
deal + v. >>共 711
be 29.46%
fall 3.55%
go 3.14%
give 3.00%
come 2.71%
have 2.57%
include 2.39%
make 2.03%
allow 1.52%
require 1.43%
provoke 0.14%
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