1.   Blackrag Madonna is blind as a dead rat.

2.   Fleas desert a dead rat faster than rats desert a sinking ship, and that makes sense.

3.   Here and there, dead rats and other corpses float on the scum.

4.   I walked up and down on the bed, to control my trembling legs, and looked at the dead rat.

5.   She was delighted that I was not hurt, and threw the dead rat out of the window.

6.   The area was so poor that even the dead rats in the street looked as though they had died of hunger.

7.   There was a dead rat, blown almost in two, resting on the hearth of the fire.

8.   We finally discovered the dead rat that was causing the stench in the basement.

9.   As conditions deteriorated, visitors to the building were greeted by the stench of dead rats inside the walls.

10.   But it is a bit much when he carries a dead rat as a talisman.

a. + rat >>共 236
dead 6.15%
plastic 5.33%
infected 4.10%
female 3.48%
male 2.66%
young 2.05%
giant 1.84%
large 1.84%
pregnant 1.84%
adult 1.64%
dead + n. >>共 943
man 10.26%
body 7.51%
heat 6.22%
people 2.66%
animal 2.44%
fish 2.38%
soldier 2.34%
child 2.14%
bird 1.64%
woman 1.56%
rat 0.46%
每页显示:    共 30