1.   The days lengthened with the approach of spring.

2.   As the day lengthens and the sun rises higher in the sky, increased evaporation will worsen the dry conditions and may lead to early warmth for the season.

3.   As the days lengthen, and winter ends, the drivers start to pine for home.

4.   All the while, the distant, treeless mountains imperceptibly change color from gray to copper to brown to red and back again as the day lengthens.

5.   But now work days have lengthened, and more companies operate around the clock, so the system cannot simply be turned off in the evening.

6.   But with skies brightening, days lengthening and temperatures rising, there is spring fever in the air.

7.   In spring, as days lengthen, melatonin is secreted for shorter periods.

8.   In tax season, the day lengthens.

9.   Once the days lengthen and the roots fully recover, it will push out new leaves.

10.   The day lengthened.

n. + lengthen >>共 88
shadow 16.44%
day 8.22%
time 4.11%
line 2.74%
queue 2.05%
silence 2.05%
crowd 1.37%
hour 1.37%
measure 1.37%
commute 1.37%
day + v. >>共 692
be 38.77%
come 5.51%
begin 4.46%
go 3.73%
pass 2.55%
bring 2.06%
wear_on 1.72%
end 1.65%
seem 1.54%
start 1.36%
lengthen 0.17%
每页显示:    共 12