1.   Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.

2.   Or should they concentrate their efforts on looking after those sufferers who require nursing care in day hospitals or wards?

3.   The day hospital does not exist in isolation.

4.   The second phase would be carried out by the dispersal of nurses and psychologists into general practice surgeries and day hospitals.

5.   If the day hospital is to stay, and one hopes it is, then a return to previous staffing levels are essential.

6.   Driving to the hospital every day for radiation, but not letting it completely dominate the rest of your day.

7.   Doctors and nurses work in teams in the same hospital every day, and in doing so they work like athletes on sports teams.

8.   Friends and fellow boxers drifted in and out of the hospital all day, many leaving in tears.

9.   He visited Chuckie in the hospital every day.

10.   Her mother was at the hospital every day.

n. + hospital >>共 251
area 16.78%
government 12.14%
city 9.12%
prison 5.76%
community 3.75%
army 3.47%
veteran 2.96%
university 2.68%
district 2.57%
police 2.18%
day 1.57%
day + n. >>共 1369
job 2.99%
trip 2.26%
time 1.59%
trader 1.51%
hour 1.39%
game 1.36%
people 0.86%
running 0.76%
school 0.68%
work 0.68%
hospital 0.24%
每页显示:    共 28