1.   Antivirus software makers and providers of data backup services led the parade, sending out news releases and soliciting interviews.

2.   The network will initially support global voice, voice band data and circuit switched digital data services via dedicated or switched access.

3.   The network will provide video-on-demand, interactive games, full-motion video, distance learning, personal communications and data network services.

4.   We rely increasingly for data exploration and delivery upon international networks, online data services, and hypertext and multimedia systems.

5.   Among other things, it offers on-line sports and other data services on the Internet global web of computer networks.

6.   Analog is the earliest type of cellular technology, and digital is a newer technology that can handle more advanced data services.

7.   And those are the first areas where wireless data services will most likely start.

8.   Arch is making a big push into offering advanced wireless data services, including a plan to offer wireless access to America Online e-mail and content.

9.   ATLANTA -- BellSouth Corp. and EDS are planning to announce an ambitious alliance today aimed at exploiting the huge and growing market for providing data services to businesses.

10.   Atlanta-based BellSouth saw a record surge in lines that connect to the Internet and other data services.

n. + service >>共 647
memorial 5.57%
security 4.88%
telephone 3.91%
phone 3.60%
customer 3.45%
intelligence 3.13%
health 2.63%
press 2.44%
community 2.41%
news 2.38%
datum 0.61%
datum + n. >>共 495
base 11.30%
recorder 9.12%
service 4.62%
transmission 3.75%
network 3.72%
center 3.08%
storage 2.49%
collection 2.38%
system 2.21%
file 2.01%
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