1.   As a result of the census data released in December, New York state will lose two congressional seats, perhaps one upstate and one downstate.

2.   But with Asian demand falling, the first evidence of an export decline showed up in government trade data released last month.

3.   Data released Friday showing strong manufacturing and economic growth also worried investors.

4.   For the first time ever, spreads are now smaller on Nasdaq than on the New York Stock Exchange, according to Nasdaq data released earlier this month.

5.   However, a weak reading in the weekly Johnson Redbook retail-sales data released in the afternoon did manage to buoy prices a bit.

6.   Monthly auto sales data released on Wednesday were about in line with expectations, and as a result the blue chips continued to bounce back.

7.   New data released this week by Georgia Tech researchers shows just how pervasive the problem may be.

8.   Other data released Thursday included housing completions as reported by the Commerce Department.

9.   That scenario appeared consistent with radar data released Tuesday that showed Kennedy made several unexplained maneuvers in the final minutes of the flight.

10.   The CSO official said the latest production figures matched data already released.

n. + release >>共 871
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