1.   Data recovery is really not that hard.

2.   Of its four components, only one is concerned with helping you deal with data recovery yourself.

3.   Programs like Lost and Found and Norton Utilities, which combine forensics with data recovery, have been available for the Windows platform for years.

4.   The recorder was disassembled Monday in Ottawa, and data recovery had begun.

5.   They get a rush out of drive mapping, defragmenting and data recovery.

6.   Years ago, when I worked in data recovery for a large television network, an electrician dropped a screwdriver down an electrical panel.

n. + recovery >>共 171
fumble 15.23%
market 5.61%
year 4.61%
disaster 4.21%
world 4.01%
business 3.81%
earnings 2.40%
industry 2.00%
profit 2.00%
oil 2.00%
datum 1.20%
datum + n. >>共 495
base 11.30%
recorder 9.12%
service 4.62%
transmission 3.75%
network 3.72%
center 3.08%
storage 2.49%
collection 2.38%
system 2.21%
file 2.01%
recovery 0.17%
每页显示:    共 6