1.   General Household Survey data indicate that the major provider of care for the elderly in Britain is the family.

2.   Our data indicates that weather patterns are likely to get more extreme.

3.   Survey data indicate no variance in church attendance between blue- and white-collar workers.

4.   The Bank recognises that these data indicate rather than properly represent the true extent of relative inequality between countries.

5.   However, even if the ascribed causes of death are correct, these data do not indicate those patients who are potential transplant candidates.

6.   Our data also indicate that the operation may be justified in distal disease if urgency is socially inconvenient.

7.   Our data indicate an association between the genetic polymorphism at the PGC gene locus and gastric body ulcer.

8.   In addition, our data indicate genetic heterogeneity of gastric ulcer disease.

9.   As basal gastrin levels can be returned to normal with eradication of H pylori, the data indicate that the increase in gastrin is induced by the infection.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
poll 7.03%
official 5.80%
study 3.65%
record 2.21%
survey 2.17%
evidence 1.89%
result 1.86%
research 1.73%
test 1.67%
datum 1.52%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
show 12.07%
suggest 5.96%
indicate 4.53%
come 2.45%
help 1.64%
provide 1.61%
include 1.61%
have 1.52%
confirm 1.37%
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