1.   The additional data available includes the initial monthly repayment and the total cost of the loan.

2.   The initial data included a lot of noise that had to be weeded out.

3.   But the fact that the missing data included intelligence information increased the level of concern among law enforcement officials.

4.   But those data also include state tax, property and occupational license files, private marketing databases -- even bank and brokerage accounts that many customers assume are confidential.

5.   Data considered include the toxicity of different strains of Bt corn and the distance that toxic pollen can move within and beyond a cornfield.

6.   Data include purchase occasions, volume and price.

7.   Data do not include donations by former Gov. William Weld, a Republican, whose nomination was withdrawn last year.

8.   Economic data released Tuesday included the consumer confidence figures for May.

9.   Economic data released Tuesday included the July wholesale trade report, which showed huge sales increases in both nondurable and durable goods.

10.   He said his data did not include illegal residents.

n. + include >>共 1161
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